鲁希华,材料科学与工程博士(毕业于美国University of North Texas),美国Northwestern University博士后,美国International Flavors & Fragrances Inc公司研究员,2012年入选上海高层次人才。现任职于东华大学化学与化工学院,博士生导师,校特聘教授。主持国家自然基金面上项目、上海国际合作项目及其他省部级科研项目、参与美国国家自然基金(NSF)、美国卫生署(NIH)、得克萨斯州高新技术等10余项科研项目,长期从事新型智能纳米水凝胶的合成、自组装晶体的理论研究及技术创新,以及微胶囊技术研发及产业化,创新研究成果已发表在国际一流学术期刊上(Materials Horizons, Science China Chemistry, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等),并取得了30多项美国、中国授权专利,部分成果已经实施产业化,积极响应政府的创新创业号召,荣获第四届中国创新创业大赛上海赛区“优胜企业”称号、第四届中国创新创业大赛“优秀企业”奖,2017“创响中国”安徽省创新创业大赛一等奖。2018年入选安徽省创业类高层次人才,2020年获第五届“海峡杯”福建(晋江)创新创业大赛全球总决赛一等奖。
Dr. Xihua Lu received his Ph.D. degree in materials science & engineering from University of North Texas, Texas, USA and did his postdoctoral research at Northwestern University located at Evanston, IL, USA. Dr. Lu joined International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. as a research fellow. In 2012, Dr. Lu was selected for Shanghai High-level Talents. Currently, Dr. Lu is a professor and supervisor as doctoral graduate students in College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology of Donghua University. Dr. Lu is a principal investigator for National Natural Science Foundation of China, International Cooperation Project of Shanghai Municipality, and other projects. Dr Lu was a team member for National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Texas Advanced Technology Program, and more than 10 research projects. Dr. Lu has been interested in the synthesis and fundamental studies of self-assembly, and technological innovation of novel smart nanogels. And Dr. Lu has been working on the research, development, and industrialization of microcapsule technologies. His research achievements have been published in the leading international peer-reviewed journals such as Materials Horizons, Science China Chemistry, and Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, etc. and have been filed for more than 30 US patents, European patents, and Chinese patents. Some of research achievements have been industrialized. Dr. Lu actively responds to government call of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In 2015, Dr. Lu achieved “Winning Enterprise” in China fourth innovation and entrepreneurship competition (Shanghai) and won “Excellent Enterprise” in China fourth innovation and entrepreneurship competition. In 2017, Dr. Lu was awarded the first prize in “Creating China” Anhui innovation and entrepreneurship competition. In 2018, Dr. Lu was selected for Anhui High-level Talents (Entrepreneurship). In 2020, Dr. Lu also won the first prize in “Haixia Cup” Fujian (Jinjiang) innovation and entrepreneurship competition.
[1] Qian Yang, Youtong Wu, Xihua Lu*,Durable temperature/mechanical-responsive photonic ionogels assembled by soft nanogels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2025, online.
[2] Youtong Wu, Xueting Li, Yiwen Li, Hao Wang, Yuqi Zhang, Xihua Lu*, Smart windows with high optical transparency and structural color, Science China Chemistry, 2025, 68, Early Access.
[3] Youtong Wu, Xueting Li, Jie Tao, Yuqi Zhang, Xihua Lu*, Tunable temperature-responsive photonic ionogels with dual signals output, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2025, 677, 704–718.(Cover)
[4] Yan Zhang, Xueting Li, Youtong Wu, Xiaoliang Tan, Xihua Lu*, Preparation and properties of hydrogel photonic crystals assembled by biodegradable nanogels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 663, 554-565.
[5] Tingting Xia, Xueting Li, Youtong Wu, Xihua Lu*, Synthesis and thermally-induced gelation of interpenetrating nanogels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 669, 754–765.
[6] Yuqi Zhang, Xueting Li, Youtong Wu, Xihua Lu*, Temperature-induced gelation enhances fluorescence in nanogel photonic crystals, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2024, 7, 22953−22963.
[7] Jie Tao, Youtong Wu, Xueting Li, Yuqi Zhang, Tingting Xia, Xihua Lu*, Robust mechanical strength and high colorfastness of amorphous photonic crystals on fabrics with durable antibacterial and anti-static properties, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 696, 134326.
[8] Xiaoxiao Li, Xueting Li, Tingting Xia, Wei Chen, Kenneth J. Shea, Xihua Lu*, Remarkable sol-gel transition of PNIPAm-based nanogels via large steric hindrance of side-chains, Materials Horizons, 2023, 10, 4452-4462.
[9] Youtong Wu, Xueting Li, Jie Tao, Yuqi Zhang, Xihua Lu*, NIPAm-based soft colloidal photonic crystals with high color saturation, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 673, 131743.
[10] Jie Tao, Xihua Lu*, Tetraphenylbenzene-modified photonic crystal structure colour coating on fabric substrates for dual-mode anticounterfeiting, 2022, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 655, 130044.
[11] Xiaoxiao Li, Di Zhao, Kenneth J. Shea, Xueting Li, Xihua Lu, In situ formed thermogelable hydrogel photonic crystals assembled by thermosensitive IPNs, Materials Horizons, 2021, 8, 932-938. (Cover)
5.鲁希华; 李雪婷; 张煜祺,一种双色的温敏性纳米凝胶及其制备方法和应用, CN202411064543.X
7.Lu, X., Zhao, D., Wang, L. Thermosensitive nanocapsules and preparing method thereof, US patent 10543471.
8.Lu, X., Zhao, D., Wang, L. Thermosensitive nanocapsules and preparing method thereof, EU patent 16901822.8.
9.Lei, Y., Lu, X., Carol, J., Xu, L. Hydrogel fragrance capsule, formulations and process for preparing the same, US patent 9777244.
10. Hu, Z., Lu, X., Gao, J. Synthesis, uses and compositions of crystal Hydrogels, US patent 7347988.
11.鲁希华,赵迪,王丽英,温敏性纳米胶囊及其制备方法 ZL 201610504888
12.鲁希华,一种表面带有正电荷的聚脲外壳香精微胶囊及其制备方法ZL 201510176986
13.鲁希华,李雪婷,王朋,邱高,一种颜色可调的化学交联的光子晶体水凝胶的制备方法ZL 201410056696.X
14.鲁希华,李雪婷,王朋,邱高,一种温敏性非离子型共聚物纳米水凝胶及其制备方法ZL 201410006639
15.鲁希华,吴倩,赵迪,邱高,一种具有芳香气味的相变材料微胶囊及其制备方法ZL 201410056694
16.鲁希华,赵迪,吴倩,焦鑫,张姚,邱高,一种具有芳香气味的聚乙二醇双丙烯酸酯水凝胶及制备方法ZL 201510107529
微信号: veritas-15, EMAIL:luxihua@dhu.edu.cn