Helical magnetic field-induced magnetoplasmonic chiroptical modulator
发布部门:化学化工与生物工程学院       发布时间:2019-08-13

题  目:Helical magnetic field-induced magnetoplasmonic chiroptical modulator

报告人:Jaebeom Lee 教授

Chungnam National University(忠南大学)



主持人:张琳萍 副教授


Jaebeom Lee教授近年来多次在国际知名期刊发表多篇文章,如JACSNature material, ACS Applied Bio MaterialsElectrochimica ActaACS SensorsACS Applied Materials and InterfaceAnalytical chemistryBiosensors and BioelectronicsChemical CommunicationJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A等;目前已经申请获批的专利多达21项;曾多次获得国内外奖项,2017年荣获信息通信技术与规划部颁发的卓越研究奖”; 2014年获得纳米韩国颁发的“40项年度发明”;2011年获得PNU颁发的优秀研究员;2009年与2011年都曾获得PNU Nanosci. and Nanoeng.颁发的最佳研究院奖”; 2007年获得韩国研究基金会新教师奖、韩国 - 美国纳米论坛青年科学家奖; 2006年获得密歇根大学LG Micron Ind / Aca研究奖学金; 2005年获得密歇根大学计划科学与工程教育学者(SEESP)奖; 2004年密歇根大学新生研究卓越奖; 2002年获得罗伯特戈登大学研究生教育奖学金; 1999年获得罗伯特戈登大学研究生奖学金奖; 2001年,2000年获得SPIE学生罗伯特戈登大学旅游补助金奖;1991年,1997年获得忠南国立大学优秀成就奖学金。


Helical assembly of plasmonic nanomaterials exhibit intense optical activity and have been conducted under the structural assistance of templates which are natural helical materials. Its structural stiffness becomes obstacles to endow tunable and switchable ability. Herein, the helical magnetic field (hB) have been introduced instead of templates. Particularly, magnetoplasmonic (MagPlas) Ag@Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) were used to guide plasmonic Ag NPs onto helical magnetic flux. The chirality of the assembled helical structures and tailored circular dichroism were successfully tuned, and even handedness has been switched by hB in millisecond level, which is at least 2250-fold faster than other templates-assisted methods. The peak position of circular dichroism is also reconfigurable by controlling the thickness of the magnetic shell and magnetic flux density, owing to the change of the inter-particle or inter-chain distance. hB-induced chirality modulation will open a new strategy that can control the polarization state of light at the nexus of plasmonics, magnetism, colloidal science, liquid crystals, and chirality so that it can be a significant breakthrough for chiral assembly of MagPlas nanomaterials to progress into further practical applications.

(等离子体纳米材料的螺旋组装表现出强烈的光学活性,并在天然螺旋材料模板的结构辅助下进行。本报告主要介绍利用磁等离子体(MagPlas) Ag@Fe3O4核壳纳米粒子(NPs)引导等离子体银纳米粒子进入螺旋磁场。成功地调整了组合螺旋结构的手性和定制的圆二色性,比其他模板辅助方法至少快2250倍。hb诱导的手性调制将在等离子体、磁学、胶体学、液晶、手性等方面为控制光的偏振态开辟一条新的途径,为磁拉体纳米材料的手性组装进一步的实际应用提供重要的突破。)