张 煊,男,甘肃成县人。1997年西北师范大学本科毕业;2000年获西北师范大学分析化学硕士学位;2003年获厦门大学分析化学博士学位。2004年受日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助,在九州大学做博士后研究(2004-2006);随后分别在日本大阪大学(2006-2008)和国立材料科学研究所(2008-2010)做博士后研究;2010年12月被聘为东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院副教授;2020年9月晋升为教授职称。2011年入选上海市“浦江人才”计划;2019年2月-2020年9月被遴选为中组部第九批援疆干部在新疆大学纺织与服装学院担任副院长。主持2018年度上海市精品课程《表面活性剂化学及应用》。目前在Renew. Energy, J. Power Source, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Sens. Actuator B, J. Mater. Chem. B, Electrochim. Acta, Anal. Chim. Acta, Talanta. 等学术刊物上发表SCI论文80余篇,被引用3700多次。申请发明专利30余项,已授权12项。
1. Rui-Jie Huang, Kai Liu*, Xuan Zhang*, Eco-friendly bleaching of knitted cotton fabrics via acetylated starch as a bleach activator for H2O2.Inter. J. Biol. Macromol., 2025, 306, 141797.
2. Wei-Hao Sun, Xuan Zhang*, Fabrication of amorphous CoMoP bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting through interfacial engineering on a NiMoO4-decorated polyester textile. Renew. Energy, 2025, 122312.
3. Zong-Xian Zhu, Xuan Zhang*, Construction of a ratiometric electrochemical sensor for bisphenol A detection by coupling nonionic surfactant-decorated conductive carbon black with ferricyanide probe. Talanta, 2025, 283, 127084.
4. Wei-Hao Sun, Xuan Zhang*, Fabrication of amorphous CoMoP bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting through interfacial engineering on a NiMoO4-decorated polyester textile. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38(21), 21633–21641.
5. Wei-Hao Sun, Yong-Qi Hua, Xuan Zhang*, Assembly of amorphous CoP electrocatlysts on flexible polyester textile for alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 63(18), 28–35.
6. Lai-Wei Jia, Xuan Zhang*, Versatile red-emissive carbon dots for smart textiles and fluorescence sensing. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2023, 6(2), 1379–1385.
7. Wan-Yu Zhu, Kai Liu*, Xuan Zhang*, A benzimidazole-derived fluorescent chemosensor for Cu(II)-selective turn-off and Zn(II)-selective ratiometric turn-on detection in aqueous solutions. Sens. Diagn., 2023, 2, 665–675.
8. Kai-Ping Wang,Jian-Mei Hu, Xuan Zhang*. Sensitive electrochemical detection of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) in milk based on iodine-doped graphene. Microchem. J., 2022, 173,107047.
9. Lei Wang, Xuan-Yu Zheng,Xuan Zhang*, Zhi-Jia Zhu, A quinoline-based fluorescent chemosensor for palladium ion (Pd2+)-selective detection in aqueous solution. Spectrochim. Acta A, 2021, 249 , 119283.
10. Ji-Wei Zhang Xuan Zhang*, Electrode material fabricated by loading cerium oxide nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide and its application in electrochemical sensor for tryptophan. J. Alloys Compd.,2020, 842, 155934.
11. Li Zhang, Lei Wang, Xuan Zhang*, Zhi-Jia Zhu, A colorimetric and fluorescent probe for sulfite/bisulfite based on conjugated benzothiazole derivative and imaging application in living cells. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 2020, 395, 112498.
12.Yong Zhou, Li Zhang, Xuan Zhang*, Zhi-Jia Zhu, Development of near-infrared ratiometric fluorescent probe for glutathione under intramolecular charge transfer signaling mechanism and bioimaging application in living cells. J. Mater. Chem.B, 2019, 7, 809–814.
13.Zhen-Ni Lu, Lei Wang, Xuan Zhang*, Zhi-Jia Zhu, A selective fluorescent chemosensor for Cd2+ based on 8-hydroxylquinoline-benzothiazole conjugate and imaging application. Spectrochim. Acta A, 2019, 213, 57–63.
14.Qi Zhang, Xuan Zhang*, Facile fabrication of phosphorus-doped g-C3N4 exhibiting enhanced visible light photocatalytic degradation performance toward textile dye. Solid State Sci., 2019, 89, 150–155.
15. Xuan Zhang*, Kai-Ping Wang, Li-Na Zhang, Yi-Chi Zhang, Li Shen. Phosphorus-doped graphene-based electrochemical sensor for sensitive detection of acetaminophen. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2018, 1032, 26–32.
16. Xuan Zhang*, Jia-Wei Zhang, Ping-Hua Xiang*, Jinli Qiao. Fabrication of graphene-fullerene hybrid by self-assembly and its application as support material for methanol electrocatalytic oxidation reaction. Appl. Sur. Sci, 2018, 440, 477–483.
17. Kai Liu, Xuan Zhang*, Ke-Lu Yan*. Bleaching of cotton fabric with tetraacetylhydrazine as bleach activator for H2O2. Carbohyd. Polym., 2018, 188, 221–227.
18. Kai Liu, Xuan Zhang*, Ke-Lu Yan*. Development of o-phthalic anhydride as a low-temperature activator in H2O2 bleaching system for cotton fabric. Cellulose, 2018, 25, 859–867.
19. Kai Liu, Xuan Zhang*, Ke-Lu Yan*. Low-temperature bleaching of cotton knitting fabric with H2O2/PAG system. Cellulose, 2017, 24, 1555–1561.
20. Wei-Wei Ma, Meng-Yuan Wang, Di Yin, Xuan Zhang*. Facile preparation of naphthol AS-based fluorescent probe for highly selective detection of cysteine in aqueous solution and its imaging application in living cells. Sens. Actuator B, 2017, 248, 332–337.
21. Xuan Zhang*, Jing-Yun Liu, Wei-Wei Ma, Meng-Lu Yang. Near-infrared fluorescence of π-conjugation extendedbenzothiazole and its application for biothiol imaging in living cells. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 6662–6669.
22. Xuan Zhang*, Jing-Yun Liu. Solvent dependent photophysical properties and near-infrared solid-state excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) fluorescence of 2,4,6-tris- benzothiazolylphenol. Dye Pigm., 2016, 125, 80–88.
23. Xuan Zhang*, Yi-Chi Zhang, Li-Xia Ma. One-potfacile fabrication of graphene-zinc oxide composite and its enhancedsensitivity for simultaneous electrochemical detection of ascorbic acid,dopamine and uric acid. Sens. Actuator B, 2016, 227, 488–496. (selected as the ESI highly-cited paper)
24. Xuan Zhang*, Li-Xia Ma. Electrochemical fabrication of platinum nanoflakes on fulleropyrrolidine nanosheets and their enhanced electrocatalytic activity and stability for methanol oxidation reaction. J. Power Sources, 2015, 286, 400–405.
25. Xuan Zhang*, Li-Xia Ma, Yi-Chi Zhang. Electrodeposition of platinum nanosheets on C60 decorated glassy carbon electrode as a stable electrochemical biosensor for simultaneous detection of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid. Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 177, 118–127.
26. Xuan Zhang*, Bei Zhang, Dong-Yue Liu, Jin-Li Qiao. One-pot synthesis of ternary alloy CuFePt nanoparticles anchored on reduced graphene oxide and their enhanced electrocatalytic activity for both methanol and formic acid oxidation reactions. Electrochim. Acta, 2015,177, 93–99.
27. Xuan Zhang*, Ying-Ying Zhu. A new fluorescent chemodosimeter for Hg2+-selective detection in aqueous solution based on Hg2+-promoted hydrolysis of rhodamine-glyoxylic acid conjugate. Sens. Actuator B, 2014, 202, 609–614.
28. Xuan Zhang*, Xu-Dong Li. Effect of the position of substitution on the electronic properties of nitrophenyl derivatives of fulleropyrrolidines: Fundamental understanding toward raising LUMO energy of fullerene electron-acceptor.Chin. Chem. Lett., 2014, 25(4), 501–504.
29. Fang Si, Ke-Lu Yan*, Xuan Zhang*. Study on H2O2/TAED and H2O2/TBCC bleaching mechanism related to hydroxyl radical with a fluorescent probe. Carbohyd. Polym., 2014, 103(1), 581–586.
30. Fang Si, Xuan Zhang*, Ke-Lu Yan*. The quantitative detection of HO• generated in a high temperature H2O2 bleaching system with a novel fluorescent probe benzenepentacarboxylic acid. RSC Adv., 2014, 4(12), 5860–5866.
31. Xuan Zhang*, Xiao-Juan Huang, Zhi-Jia Zhu. A reversible Hg(II)-selective fluorescent chemosensor based on a thioether linked bis-rhodamine. RSC Adv., 2013, 3(47), 24891–24895.
32. Xuan Zhang*, Yu-Xia Zhang, Zhi-Jia Zhu. A fluorescein semicarbazide-based fluorescent probe for highly selective and rapid detection of hypochlorite in aqueous solution. Anal. Methods, 2012, 4(12), 4334–4338.
33. Xuan Zhang*, Yun-Bao Jiang*. Solvent-dependent intramolecular charge transfer dual fluorescence of p-dimethylaminobenzanilide bearing steric ortho,ortho-dimethyl substituents at amido aniline. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10(11), 1791–1796.
34. Xuan Zhang,Masayuki Takeuchi. Controlled fabrication of fullerene C60 into microsphere of nanoplates through porphyrin-polymer-assisted self-assembly.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 9646–9651.
35. Xuan Zhang, Yasuhiro Shiraishi, Takayuki Hirai. Cu(II)-selective green fluorescence of a rhodamine-diacetic acid conjugate.Org.Lett.,2007, 9 (24), 5039–5042.
36. Xuan Zhang, Lin Guo, Fang-Ying Wu, Yun-Bao Jiang. Development of fluorescent sensing of anions under excited-state intermolecular proton transfer signaling mechanism.Org.Lett.,2003, 5 (15), 2667–2670.
1. 张煊, 马维维. 一种具有光谱信号放大性能的苯并噻唑衍生物及其制备和应用,专利号:ZL 201710032406 .1.
2. 张煊, 张佳伟. 一种以石墨烯-富勒烯三维复合材料为载体的燃料电池催化剂的制备方法,专利号:ZL201710409807 .4.
3. 张煊, 张亦弛. 一种氯杂石墨烯的制备方法,专利号:ZL201710258002 .4.
4. 张煊, 马启锋. 一种花状碳球的制备方法,专利号:ZL201711395114.0.
5. 张煊, 马启锋, 谈军伟. 一种发射白色荧光的氮杂石墨烯量子点的制备方法, 专利号: ZL 201610537224 .5.
6. 张煊, 张亦弛. 一种石墨烯包覆氧化锌三维复合材料催化剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201610435909.9.
7. 张煊, 张蓓, 刘东岳. 一种三元合金-还原石墨烯复合材料催化剂及其制备,专利号:ZL 201510014290.X.
8. 张煊, 刘静云. 一种发射近红外荧光的有机纳米线及其制备方法, 专利号: ZL201510662658 .3.
9. 张煊, 张蓓, 李旭东. 一种以富勒烯花球为载体的燃料电池催化剂的制备方法, 专利号: ZL201410209630.X.
10. 张煊, 李旭东, 张蓓. 一种用于燃料电池的空心核壳催化剂的制备方法, 专利号: ZL201410021132.2.
11. 张煊, 司芳, 阎克路. 一种荧光定量检测羟基自由基的方法, 专利号: ZL201310069048.3.
12. 张煊. 一种富勒烯二维带状形貌的制备方法, 专利号: ZL201310222304.8.